This is a long post, it helps you understand options a bit better and make some profitable decisions in the future! I try to make theta and options easier to…
To anyone new to trading options. You need to understand, this is a craft. A skill. You must learn and respect it, or it is going to disrespect you. Very violently in…
The time Value of Options refers to the value of the options contract beyond its intrinsic value. Time value is equal to the extrinsic value of the options contract. Out-of-the-money…
This is a measure of Historical Volatility computed as the annualized standard deviation of returns over a period of days (20, 30, 90 days). See also Implied Volatility & Historical…
This is a spread trading strategy that involves buying and selling options, but the trader typically sells a greater number of contracts sold than what is purchased. See also Ratio…
This is a spread strategy that involves selling options and buying a greater number of out-of-the-money options. Backspreads are often in a ratio of 1 to-2 or 2-to-3 and most…
$MTLS-Bullish flow detected in Materialise with 2217 calls trading, or 8x the recent avg daily call volume in the name. Shares near $7.88 (0.79) with ATMIV lifting by 2.18 point and…